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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Character Spotlight: Downpour and Shifter

This is an exciting one, but also a strange one.

I have an unabashed love for the Super Friends original superheroes: Apache Chief, Samurai, Black Vulcan, the Wonder Twins, and El Dorado. I think they have great designs and that they could shine if they just had the chance.

In fact, I know they could shine when given the chance because I've seen them do just that. Once was in Young Justice, but before that, they got a spotlight episode on Justice League Unlimited. At least, a version of them did.

In the episode "Ultimatum" (December 2004), the Justice League meets a team of superhero created by Project Cadmus to be loyal to the United States. Their names are Wind Dragon, Juice, Longshadow, Downpour, and Shifter.

As you can see from the above links, all the Super Friends characters have made their way into the comics, one way or another, including the Wonder Twins. So it shocked me to learn that in Superman/Wonder Woman #26 (February 2016), Downpour and Shifter ALSO got introduced into the comics universe!

In this series, they're the children of Vandal Savage for some reason, and they don't use their powers (although they can fly and have eyebeams). They're also not called "Downpour" and "Shifter", but they're clearly meant to be the same characters.

In Superman #49 (February 2016), we briefly see them again. During the issue, all of Vandal Savage's children get powers awakened, and these two are no different. they join the battle with the rest of their siblings and we see they do, in fact, have water and animal shapeshifting powers.

Thanks to Thomas Parks for telling me about this one!

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