
A forever in-work compendium of Marvel and DC canon immigrants. What's a canon immigrant? Go here to find out!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Just a Small Little Thing: Mad Hatter's Robot Rabbit

I've been waiting to do this one so long, you guys.

Years ago, I created a list of things I wanted to include on the website if only I could find proof of them. Most of the list has since appeared, a couple turned out to be misinformation, and one - this one - just kept hanging around, taunting me.

Mad Hatter's Robot Rabbit.

What am I talking about? you're probably asking. And that's exactly the problem. I've never been able to confirm it for three reasons, and the first is that it wasn't a big detail to begin with. It wasn't a fan favorite character like Harley Quinn or a cool design like the various Batmobiles or a tie-in to a current show like Aqualad. No one had any reason to talk about it. In fact, it wasn't even on tv! It was an accessory to an action figure.

The next problem was that it was a small detail of the issue it appeared in. Just background decoration, really, no relation to the plot at all. So, again, no one had any reason to talk about. And people may not have even seen it, because the scene was poorly lit.

And the third problem was that I knew it was in Secret Six #1, but I had a hard time figuring out WHICH Secret Six #1. But find it I did, and now I get to share it with you, and cross it off my list!

Edited to Add: It was Secret Six volume 2 #1, published in May 2006.


  1. So, which Secret Six #1 was it?

  2. Thanks for pointing that out. I don’t know how I forgot to include the publishing date. I’ll edit that in.
